乐谱名:Bathory - Shores In Flames
Bathory - Shores In Flames,Bathory 是一支瑞典黑金属乐队,创始人 Quorthon 是黑金属的重要先驱之一。Shores In Flames 是他们的一首经典作品,收录于1987年专辑《Under the Sign of the Black Mark》中。
这首歌描述的是海盗入侵的场景,Quorthon 在创作时受到了挪威史诗《尼贝龙基》的启发。打开吉他谱,音乐十分震撼,旋律以及炮轰般的鼓声创造了一种浓厚的战争氛围。
歌词反复出现的 "Shores in flames" 是一个极好的唱段,精简的歌词内容表达了歌曲意义中的反抗和勇气,以及那个时代船只和城墙遭到打击的气氛,是一首具有颠覆性的作品。
这首歌是 Bathory 最为代表性的黑金属作品之一,Quorthon 不断地探索音乐,从中获得不同的灵感并创作出精彩的作品。Bathory 独特的黑金属风格在当今的音乐中仍然具有较强的影响力,Shores In Flames 作为该专辑的开头,无疑是一个名副其实的经典黑金属之作。
Shores in flames, shores in flames,
We have sailed across the seas
We have conquered, we have slain
We have come to take your land
With swords drawn wide we stand and fight
We are warriors of steel
And in the end we will prevail
Sail away into a grey sky,
Horizon blocked by the clouds
Sail away, burning vessels in our track
Around who''s necks the seaweed crawls
Fallen are the icons,
Crowned in once so proud
Slaughter, I smell their fear
and I thrive on their screams
Sorrow, for they can''t resist
The devil''s might so it seems
So feeble and weak they cower,
For our onslaught they give way
All around they fall and die
And then there were no more to slay
Shores in flames
Shores in flames
歌词中表现了百战百胜的武士,他们勇猛无比,踏上海滩,一路疯狂地摧毁一切。歌曲以强烈的气氛和令人惊异的表现力,传达了破坏和恐惧的力量。Bathory 在这首歌中展示了他们的独特魅力和哲学深度,唤起了人们的深思和想象。
乐谱《Bathory - Shores In Flames》由琴友【ColdHeart】上传分享,权益归制作者所有, 但最终的版权仍然是原曲作者或所属单位所有,如果您是原曲作者或所属单位你可以选择强制【